This open concept design was developed to express and showcase the artistry of craft to the community. The mixed gallery, retail, studio, and office space was designed to be a retreat within the city for both the members of Craft Ontario and the public to encourage collaboration and participation in craft. The design aimed to capture Craft Ontario's consciousness on sustainability, and the use of the three R's - reduce, reuse, and recycle.
This island of nostalgia emphasizes the restorative and reflective aspects of nostalgia. The word nostalgia is derived from the Greek roots - nostos (return home) and algos (longing). This island allows visitors to experience nostalgia in a positive manner. Restorative nostalgia deals with the "return home" portion, making you want to reconstruct and relive the way things were in the past. Reflective nostalgia centers on longing and loss, letting you simmer in the wistful and yearning feelings while accepting that the past is the past.
This family - friendly design enhances the relationship between the history of Toronto and its current + future generations. It is an educational centre that promotes physical activity and healthy eating through its historic gallery, indoor roller skating rink, snack bar and lounge. The indoor rink compliments the Bentway, which allows users to experience a similar activity in the warmth and away from the Canadian cold.